Welcome to the website for the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
Work to design the Partnership has begun. It will be launched in January 2016 to support efforts to deliver on new targets to end all forms of violence against children, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This interim website:
Provides you with information about the Partnership and the process for designing and launching it.
Tells you about our initial consultation about the Partnership's focus, scope, and strategy.
June 11 :
Friends of the Partnership Conference
Geneva, Switzerland
July 13 :
Sustaining Investments in Childhood - Preventing Violence Against Children - co-hosted by the Government of Canada, UNICEF, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children and Child Focused Agencies
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
July 23- July 24 :
Child Protection Two Day Retreat
New York, New York
Sept. 25- 27:
Post Summit, side event to announce global partnership
Launch of the Partnership and Fund